It got to the point in late 2018 that I needed to upgrade my machine for my work, which involves primarily video editing, graphic design, email, screen recording, and everything in between. Since then every new generation of Mac’s especially the Macbook pro line were getting increasingly expensive without much performance gains. My last Mac purchase was a Macbook Pro in 2013 fully specd out for video editing at the time. It is compact and light enough to travel with to fit the need of digital nomad creatives like myself. You can repurpose your accessories on the Mac mini if you would like. If you have an existing windows laptop like I do this is a great way to get into the Apple ecosystem as a second computer. It’s great for creatives and especially video editors given the increased horsepower with the new M1 chip. You could use it as your everything computer at home and to connect to your tv as a hybrid workstation and entertainment system. The M1 Mac Mini could fit a variety of uses. I was shocked to see that the price of these M1 laptops were cheaper than the intel Macbook pro’s with larger screen size, ram, and dedicated graphic cards. I decided to pop in my local best buy at the time. I watched the reviews from the Youtubers as they were proclaiming that these M1 machines were legit. Apple released their so called Apple Silicon M1 chip, which is a super powerful processor created by Apple instead of Intel. The M1 2020 lineup of Macs from Apple were released in late 2020 represented one of those giant leaps in computing power and value that we haven’t seen before from Apple. Mac Mini M1 Review for Video Editors and Creators